Friday, December 9, 2016

Catching fire defaince

In the book catching fire these characters had acts of deviance towards the captiol.  
 Katniss -  During her private session she hung a dummy with Seneca Crane's name on it.  She wanted to "break through the smug veneer of those who use their brains to find amsuing ways to kill. To make them realize that while (they) were valnerable to the captiols cruelites, they are as well" This was defiant because she's sending a message to the gamemakers saying they aren't safe. That's why Seneca Crane died because she outsmarted him. 
 Peeta- He said that he and Katniss were already married and that she was pregnant. "if it weren’t for the baby". There. He's done it again. This was defiant because this turns the captiol cities against the games. They demand change. 
The tributes- They all held hands in unity. "first public show of unity among the districts since the dark days." This is defiant because it is showing even the tributes are united against the captiol.   Cinna- He made the mockingjay dress which was Katniss's wedding dress. "because Cinna turned me into the mockingjay." This was a act of defiance because it was a symbol of rebellion on national tv.    The act of defiance I think is the most defiant is Cinna's act because he made the mockingjay dress and that shows rebellion. Plus snow couldn’t destroy it. So it shows that it was something the captiol never intended to make.

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