Friday, November 11, 2016

My opinion on the 2016 election is, I have no problem with Donald Trump. I personally feel like he’s going to be a good president. He is going to give us change, which is what we need. Even our current president, (Obama) wants change. People have been saying he’s going to cause ww3, and have other countries bomb us because we have no allies, we don’t need allies. We have been spending years fighting for ourselves and other countries have needed us. We don’t need them. They need us. And what do I think about the student protest? I think it was very obnoxious. Donald is going to be president no matter how hard or how long you protest, Trump is going to be president. America already voted. And plus we actually have no say. We students at Hoyt middle school are not even able to vote yet.  And yes I’m sure Donald has said some stuff in the past but I think since he’s actually going to be president he’s going to step up and make America great again. You never know. And all of you say that Donald trump is sexist. But look at Hillary’s husband. He has done way worse things to girls. Also most of you don’t even know why you’re protesting. You’re just trying to find a way to get out of class. And most of you are just going off of what other people say, you don’t have the facts to actually back up your statement. You may refuse to call him your president but as long as you live in America he will be your president. It’s time for us to grow up and deal with the facts. You may not like my opinion but it’s called an opinion for a reason. That’s what I think about the 2016 election. And I may not be old enough to vote but believe me I am going to grow up and vote for president. But until then I’m just a middle school student giving out her opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I agree, that a lot of people are looking forward to change. I know I am interested to see how Donald Trump steps up into the very important leadership role of President Trump.
